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Earn $45 for SNAP Focus Group


Do you currently receive SNAP/food stamps and want to help improve the program’s mobile communication tools? If so, you could earn a $45 gift card for participating in an online 90-minute focus group!

Insight Policy Research is recruiting participants for a focus group about how to improve your State SNAP program’s mobile outreach.

If you are interested in participating in a focus group on November 30 at 10:30am or December 1 at 1:30pm, please go to this website link

If you qualify, someone from Schlesinger Associates will call you about your eligibility for the study, answer any questions you may have, and sign you up if you are eligible.

Participants are chosen on a first-come -first-serve basis.

The $45 will be in the form of a VISA/Master Card/Amex Gift Card. Participation is voluntary and will not impact your SNAP benefits.


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